.keyTable2Lo EQUB 1 \ < Elevator (stick backwards, ascend) EQUB 1 \ + Right rudder EQUB 1 \ D Aileron (joystick right, bank right) EQUB 15 \ E Increase throttle EQUB 7 \ B Brakes on/off EQUB 8 \ SHIFT FireName: keyTable2Lo [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Keyboard Summary: Key logger value (low byte) for key presses in keyTable2 Deep dive: The key loggerContext: See this variable in context in the source code References: This variable is used as follows: * UpdateKeyLogger uses keyTable2Lo
When a key in keyTable2 is pressed (and assuming the corresponding key in keyTable1 is not being pressed), the low byte of the key logger for this key pair is set to the value in this table.