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Flight model: CheckPlaneOnRunway

Name: CheckPlaneOnRunway [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Flight model Summary: Check whether the plane is over the runway Deep dive: Take-offs and landings On-ground calculations
The runway runs north-south, and the runway's anchor point is in the southwest corner of the runway rectangle. The plane is on the runway if: * The x-axis distance between the plane and the runway's anchor point is less than 256 (so the runway is 256 wide, and this checks that the plane is not to the side of the runway) * The z-axis distance between the plane and the runway's anchor point is positive, and less than 24 * 256 (so the runway is 24 * 256 long, and this checks that the plane is not too far to the south or the north of the runway) In other words, the runway is a long, thin strip with a north-south alignment with the strip being 24 times longer than it is wide, and with the anchor point at the southwest corner.
Returns: C flag Determines whether the plane is over the runway: * Clear if the plane is over the runway * Set if the plane is not over the runway
.CheckPlaneOnRunway LDA xPlaneLo \ Set A to the high byte of the following: SEC \ SBC xObjectLo+1 \ (xPlaneHi xPlaneLo) - (xObjectHi xObjectLo) LDA xPlaneHi \ SBC xObjectHi+1 \ for object ID 1, which is the runway, so this \ calculates the distance in the x-axis between the \ plane and the runway's anchor point BNE crun1 \ If the high byte is non-zero, then the plane is more \ than 256 from the runway's anchor point, so jump to \ crun1 to return from the subroutine with a negative \ result \ If we get here then the plane is over the runway in \ the x-axis, so now we check the z-axis LDA zPlaneLo \ Set A to the high byte of the following: SEC \ SBC zObjectLo+1 \ (zPlaneHi zPlaneLo) - (zObjectHi zObjectLo) LDA zPlaneHi \ SBC zObjectHi+1 \ for object ID 1, which is the runway, so this \ calculates the distance in the z-axis between the \ plane and the runway's anchor point BMI crun1 \ If the result is negative then the plane is south of \ the anchor point, so it can't be on the runway, so \ jump to crun1 to return from the subroutine with a \ negative result CMP #24 \ Finally, if the high byte is less than 24, then this \ will clear the C flag, otherwise it will set the C \ flag \ By this point, the C flag is only clear if: \ \ * The distance between the plane and the runway's \ anchor point in the x-axis is < 256 \ \ * The distance between the plane and the runway's \ anchor point in the z-axis is < 24 * 256 RTS \ Return from the subroutine .crun1 SEC \ Set the C flag to indicate that the plane is not over \ the runway RTS \ Return from the subroutine