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List of all variables

This index contains every variable that appears in the source code for Aviator, grouped by category. A variable is defined as a labelled memory location that is used for storing data, and this list includes both variables that are defined in workspaces, and variables that are declared within the body of the source code.

3D geometry

groupStartThe starting value for each object's group number
lineEndPointIdThe point ID for a line's end point
lineStartPointIdThe point ID for a line's start point
numberOfLinesThe total number of lines in Aviator's 3D world
objectGroupThe current group number for object IDs 6, 7, 8 and 9
objectPointsSequences of related points that together make up objects
xGravityHiHigh byte of point 253 (x-coordinate)
xGroupObjectHiHigh byte of the x-coordinate for objects in a group (6 to 9)
xLinearHiHigh byte of point 252 (x-coordinate)
xObjectHiHigh byte of the x-coordinate for an object
xObjectLoLow byte of the x-coordinate for an object
xObjectPointScaled x-coordinates of the points that make up objects, relative to the object's anchor point
xPointHiHigh byte of the x-coordinate for a point
xTempPoint1HiHigh byte of point 254 (x-coordinate)
xTempPoint2HiHigh byte of point 255 (x-coordinate)
yObjectHiHigh byte of the y-coordinate for an object
yObjectLoLow byte of the y-coordinate for an object
yObjectPointScaled y-coordinates of the points that make up objects, relative to the object's anchor point
zGroupObjectHiHigh byte of the z-coordinate for objects in a group (6 to 9)
zObjectHiHigh byte of the z-coordinate for an object
zObjectLoLow byte of the z-coordinate for an object
zObjectPointScaled z-coordinates of the points that make up objects, relative to the object's anchor point
zPointHiHigh byte of the z-coordinate for a point


altitudeMinutesThe value of the altimeter's large "minute" hand
dialQuadrantThe value range of a quadrant in each indicator
indicator0To6The first indicator counter
indicator7To11The second indicator counter
indicatorBaseThe base value for each indicator
indicatorLineILine buffer storage for the start x-coordinate for each indicator line (I)
indicatorLineJLine buffer storage for the start y-coordinate for each indicator line (J)
indicatorLineTLine buffer storage for the indicator line's |x-delta| (T)
indicatorLineULine buffer storage for the indicator line's |y-delta| (U)
indicatorLineVLine buffer storage for the indicator line's direction (V)
indicatorMinThe minimum value shown on each indicator
joyCoordTemporary storage
previousCompassStores the value of the compass heading when we draw the runway on the radar, so we can erase the line later
xDeltaMaxThe maximum x-delta for the hand line in each indicator
xJoyCoordTemporary storage
xRadarBufferThe x-coordinates of the runway and alien on the radar
yDeltaMaxThe maximum y-delta for the hand line in each indicator
yJoyCoordTemporary storage
yRadarBufferThe y-coordinates of the runway and alien on the radar

Drawing lines

colour1L2RPixel bytes for drawing canopy lines left to right in colour 1
colour1R2LPixel bytes for drawing canopy lines right to left in colour 1
colour1RowPixel bytes for erasing canopy lines in colour 1
colour2L2RPixel bytes for drawing canopy lines left to right in colour 2
colour2R2LPixel bytes for drawing canopy lines right to left in colour 2
colour2RowPixel bytes for erasing canopy lines in colour 2
lineBufferGLine buffer storage for the max/min y-coordinate (G)
lineBufferRLine buffer storage for the start x-coordinate (R)
lineBufferSLine buffer storage for the start y-coordinate (S)
lineBufferTLine buffer storage for the line's |x-delta| (T)
lineBufferVLine buffer storage for the line direction (V)
lineBufferWLine buffer storage for the max/min x-coordinate (W)

Flight model

axisChangeRateStores the amount by which the three axes of movement change when the aileron, elevator or rudder are moved
forceFactorThe factors by which the flight forces are multiplied as part of the scaling process
fuelLevelThe current fuel level
fuelUsedHiThe high byte of the current batch of fuel used
fuelUsedLoThe low byte of the current batch of fuel used
scaleFactorScale factors for the flight forces (in signed powers of 2)


xLookupHiLookup table for converting pixel x-coordinate to high byte of screen address
xLookupLoLookup table for converting pixel x-coordinate to low byte of screen address
yLookupHiLookup table for converting pixel y-coordinate to high byte of screen address
yLookupLoLookup table for converting pixel y-coordinate to low byte of screen address


keyTable1Internal key numbers of high priority keys that are scanned first
keyTable1HiKey logger value (high byte) for key presses in keyTable1
keyTable1LoKey logger value (low byte) for key presses in keyTable1
keyTable2Internal key numbers of lower priority keys that are scanned second
keyTable2HiKey logger value (high byte) for key presses in keyTable2
keyTable2LoKey logger value (low byte) for key presses in keyTable2

Main loop

mainLoopCounterThe main loop counter
previousTimeStores the current time (low byte only), so we can process lines in a timely fashion during the main loop


divisionHiDivision lookup table
divisionLoDivision lookup table
highNibbleLookup table for the high nibble of a value
lowNibbleLookup table for the low nibble of a value
matrix1HiThe high bytes of matrix 1
matrix1LoThe low bytes of matrix 1
matrix2HiThe high bytes of matrix 2
matrix2LoThe low bytes of matrix 2
matrix3HiThe high bytes of matrix 3
matrix3LoThe low bytes of matrix 3
matrix4HiThe high bytes of matrix 4
matrix4LoThe low bytes of matrix 4
shift4LeftLookup table for shifting a byte four places to the left, to extract the low nibble
shift4RightLookup table for shifting a byte four places to the right, to extract the high nibble
sinHiHigh byte of the sine lookup table
sinLoLow byte of the sine lookup table
timesTableLookup table for multiplication times tables


highScoreHiHigh score (low byte)
highScoreLoHigh score (high byte)
scoreHiScore (high byte)
scoreLoScore (low byte)
scoreTextThe high score text
skillZoneHiHigh byte of the skill zone coordinates for testing flying skills
skillZoneLoLow byte of the skill zone coordinates for testing flying skills
skillZoneSizeSizes of the skill zones for testing flying skills


disableCursorThe VDU command for disabling the cursor
loadDashboardThe OS command string for loading the dashboard image
pleaseWaitTextThe "Please wait" message shown when the game loads


envelopeDataData for two sound envelopes
soundDataOSWORD blocks for making the various game sounds
soundData26The sound of us making contact with the ground while landing

The Theme

alienObjectIdObject IDs for each of the eight aliens
alienScoreThe scores for killing aliens in the various feeding stages
alienSlotSlots for up to three aliens that are ready to start moving towards the town
alienStateThe state of each of the eight aliens
alienStatusStorage for the object status bytes for the four alien objects
alienToMoveThe number of the alien to move towards Acornsville in this iteration of the main loop
distanceFromHitThe distance from the alien we just hit, so we can work out whether we get hit by turbulence
dormantAlienScoreThe score for killing a dormant alien
explodeFromThe starting point ID for exploding each of the four alien slots
explodeToThe end point ID for exploding each of the four alien slots
feedingStageThe feeding stage of the alien we are currently processing
hitObjectIdThe object ID of the alien we just hit (30 to 33)
hitTimerThe time since we hit an alien, so we can time its explosion
tooLateTextThe "TOO LATE!" message shown when the aliens land in Acornsville

Utility routines

randomNumbersA list for keeping a list of random numbers


maxLineDistanceThe furthest distance at which each line is visible
maxObjDistanceThe furthest distance at which each object is visible

Workspace variables

aileronPosition Aileron position (roll)
alien Temporary storage, used as a flag to indicate the alien when updating the radar (shares a memory location with the objCount variable)
alienSpeed The speed at which the aliens move, which starts at 10 for the first wave, then 14 for the second, 18 for the third, and 22 for all subsequent waves
axisKeyUsage The following locations are updated when keys are pressed in UpdateFlightModel:
brakesStatus Brakes status
colourCycle Determines which of the two canopy screens we are showing, so we can use colour cycling for smooth animation
colourLogic Determines the logic and bit patterns used to draw the canopy view:
dxRotationHi Rate of change of the plane's rotation in the x-axis (high byte)
dxRotationLo Rate of change of the plane's rotation in the x-axis (low byte)
dxTurnHi Rate of change of the plane's turn rate in the x-axis (high byte)
dxTurnLo Rate of change of the plane's turn rate in the x-axis (low byte)
dxTurnTop Rate of change of the plane's turn rate in the x-axis (top byte)
dxVelocityHi Rate of change of the plane's velocity in the x-axis (high byte)
dxVelocityLo Rate of change of the plane's velocity in the x-axis (low byte)
dyRotationHi Rate of change of the plane's rotation in the y-axis (high byte)
dyRotationLo Rate of change of the plane's rotation in the y-axis (low byte)
dyTurnHi Rate of change of the plane's rate turn in the y-axis (high byte)
dyTurnLo Rate of change of the plane's turn rate in the y-axis (low byte)
dyTurnTop Rate of change of the plane's turn rate in the y-axis (top byte)
dyVelocityHi Rate of change of the plane's velocity in the y-axis (high byte)
dyVelocityLo Rate of change of the plane's velocity in the y-axis (low byte)
dzRotationHi Rate of change of the plane's rotation in the z-axis (high byte)
dzRotationLo Rate of change of the plane's rotation in the z-axis (low byte)
dzTurnHi Rate of change of the plane's rate turn in the z-axis (high byte)
dzTurnLo Rate of change of the plane's turn rate in the z-axis (low byte)
dzTurnTop Rate of change of the plane's turn rate in the z-axis (top byte)
dzVelocityHi Rate of change of the plane's velocity in the z-axis (high byte)
dzVelocityLo Rate of change of the plane's velocity in the z-axis (low byte)
elevatorPosition Elevator position (pitch)
engineStatus Engine status
firingStatus Firing status
flapsStatus Flaps status
G Temporary storage, used in a number of places
GG Temporary storage, used in a number of places
gunSights Gun sights status
gunSoundCounter Counter for the number of firing sounds we make when firing our guns (which makes the sound of two shots)
H Temporary storage, used in a number of places
HH Temporary storage, used in a number of places
I Temporary storage, used in a number of places
isObject Temporary storage, used to store the object ID when we check the visibility of an object in ProcessLine and call SetObjectCoords to set its coordinates
J Temporary storage, used in a number of places
K Temporary storage, used in a number of places
keyLoggerHi Key logger (high byte)
keyLoggerLo Key logger (low byte)
L Temporary storage, used in a number of places
landingStatus The current landing status
lineBuffer1Count Offset of the last line stored in buffer 1
lineBuffer2Count Offset of the last line stored in buffer 2
lineBufferU Line buffer storage for the line's |y-delta| (U)
lineCounter Temporary storage, typically used to loop through lines
lineId The line ID, used to pass lines to routines
linesToHide A list of line IDs for lines that are not visible
linesToHideEnd The index of the last entry in the linesToHide list
linesToHidePointer A pointer into the linesToHide list to keep track of where we have processed up to
linesToShow A list of line IDs for lines that are visible
linesToShowEnd The index of the first empty entry in the linesToShow list
linesToShowPointer A pointer into the linesToShow list to keep track of where we have processed up to
M Temporary storage, used in a number of places
matrixAxis The axis to be processed by the matrix routines, specifically those that populate the matrices
matrixNumber The matrix used in matrix operations:
maxCoord Temporary storage, used to store the maximum start point coordinate when clipping lines
mx1Hi The value of mx1, used when constructing the rotation matrices (high byte)
mx1Lo The value of mx1, used when constructing the rotation matrices (low byte)
mx2Hi The value of mx2, used when constructing the rotation matrices (high byte)
mx2Lo The value of mx2, used when constructing the rotation matrices (low byte)
my1Hi The value of my1, used when constructing the rotation matrices (high byte)
my1Lo The value of my1, used when constructing the rotation matrices (low byte)
my2Hi The value of my2, used when constructing the rotation matrices (high byte)
my2Lo The value of my2, used when constructing the rotation matrices (low byte)
mz1Hi The value of mz1, used when constructing the rotation matrices (high byte)
mz1Lo The value of mz1, used when constructing the rotation matrices (low byte)
mz2Hi The value of mz2, used when constructing the rotation matrices (high byte)
mz2Lo The value of mz2, used when constructing the rotation matrices (low byte)
N Temporary storage, used in a number of places
objCount Temporary storage, used as a loop counter in the object group visibility checks (shares a memory location with the alien variable)
objectAnchorPoint Used to store the anchor point of the current object
objectId Temporary storage for an object ID (0 to 39)
objectStatus Each object's status byte
onGround "On the ground" status
P Temporary storage, used in a number of places
pointCount Temporary storage, used as a counter in ProcessLine to check the start and end points of the line
pointId Temporary storage, used to store the ID of the current point when checking a line's visibility in the ProcessLine routine
pointStatus Each point's status byte
pointsToAward Used to store the points scored from flying skills, so they can be added to the score once the task has been completed
PP Temporary storage, used in a number of places
pressingT Set to 0 in the main loop if "T" is not being pressed, otherwise set to 1, to prevent holding down "T" from constantly switching the engine on and off
pressingTab Bit 7 determines whether TAB is being pressed
pressingUFBS Determines whether any of the following keys are being pressed:
previousListEnd Used to store the value of linesToHideEnd at the start of each iteration of the main loop, so we can refer to it at the end of the main loop to see if we have added anything to the list during the main loop
propellorStatus Propellor status
Q Temporary storage, used in a number of places
QQ Temporary storage, used in a number of places
R Temporary storage, used in a number of places
reached512ft Have we reached 512 feet in altitude since taking off?
relatedPoints Contains a list, from relatedPoints+1 onwards, with the list size in relatedPoints
RR Temporary storage, used in a number of places
rudderPosition Rudder position (yaw)
S Temporary storage, used in a number of places
scoreDisplayTimer Counter for removing the score after displaying it for a fixed amount of time
showLine Determines whether a line is visible:
showRunwayDashes Determines whether the dashes down the middle of the runway are close enough to be visible:
slipRate Slip rate
SS Temporary storage, used in a number of places
startStatus Temporary storage, used to store the point status byte for the start point of a projected line
T Temporary storage, used in a number of places
themeStatus Theme status
thrustHi Thrust (high byte)
thrustLo Thrust (low byte)
TT Temporary storage, used in a number of places
U Temporary storage, used in a number of places
ucStatus Undercarriage status
UU Temporary storage, used in a number of places
V Temporary storage, used in a number of places
VV Temporary storage, used in a number of places
W Temporary storage, used in a number of places
WW Temporary storage, used in a number of places
xControlsHi Angular force due to the plane's controls in the x-axis (high byte)
xControlsLo Angular force due to the plane's controls in the x-axis (low byte)
xControlsScHi Scaled angular force due to the plane's controls in the x-axis (high byte)
xControlsScLo Scaled angular force due to the plane's controls in the x-axis (low byte)
xControlsScTop Scaled angular force due to the plane's controls in the x-axis (top byte)
xDashesVectorHi The high byte of the xDashesVector temporary variable
xDashesVectorLo The low byte of the xDashesVector temporary variable
xGravityLo Low byte of point 253 (x-coordinate)
xLiftDragHi Linear force due to lift in the x-axis (high byte)
xLiftDragLo Linear force due to lift in the x-axis (low byte)
xLiftDragScHi Scaled linear force due to lift in the x-axis (high byte)
xLiftDragScLo Scaled linear force due to lift in the x-axis (low byte)
xLiftDragScTop Scaled linear force due to lift in the x-axis (top byte)
xLinearLo Low byte of point 252 (x-coordinate)
xMomentsHi Angular force due to airflow over the plane in the x-axis (high byte)
xMomentsLo Angular force due to airflow over the plane in the x-axis (low byte)
xMomentsScHi Scaled angular force due to forces on the plane in the x-axis (high byte)
xMomentsScLo Scaled angular force due to forces on the plane in the x-axis (low byte)
xMomentsScTop Scaled angular force due to forces on the plane in the x-axis (top byte)
xPlaneBot The bottom byte of the plane's coordinate (x-axis)
xPlaneHi Plane longitude/x-coordinate (high byte)
xPlaneLo Plane longitude/x-coordinate (low byte)
xPlaneTop The top byte of the plane's location, which is the byte above the high byte in xPlaneHi
xPointLo The low byte of the x-coordinate for the point with ID X is at xPointLo,X
xRotationHi Plane rotation angle around the x-axis (high byte)
xRotationLo Plane rotation angle around the x-axis (low byte)
xTemp1Hi The high byte of the xTemp1 temporary variable
xTemp1Lo The low byte of the xTemp1 temporary variable
xTemp2Hi The high byte of the xTemp2 temporary variable
xTemp2Lo The low byte of the xTemp2 temporary variable
xTemp2Top The top byte of the xTemp2 temporary variable
xTemp3Hi The high byte of the xTemp3 temporary variable
xTemp3Lo The low byte of the xTemp3 temporary variable
xTempPoint1Lo Low byte of point 254 (x-coordinate)
xTempPoint2Lo Low byte of point 255 (x-coordinate)
xTurnHi Turn rate around the x-axis (high byte)
xTurnLo Turn rate around the x-axis (low byte)
xTurnTop Turn rate around the x-axis (top byte)
xVelocityHi Plane velocity in the x-axis from the perspective of the outside world (high byte)
xVelocityLo Plane velocity in the x-axis from the perspective of the outside world (low byte)
xVelocityPHi Plane velocity along the x-axis from the perspective of the pilot (high byte)
xVelocityPLo Plane velocity along the x-axis from the perspective of the pilot (low byte)
xVelocityTop Plane velocity in the x-axis from the perspective of the outside world (top byte)
yControlsHi Angular force due to the plane's controls in the y-axis (high byte)
yControlsLo Angular force due to the plane's controls in the y-axis (low byte)
yControlsScHi Scaled angular force due to the plane's controls in the y-axis (high byte)
yControlsScLo Scaled angular force due to the plane's controls in the y-axis (low byte)
yControlsScTop Scaled angular force due to the plane's controls in the y-axis (top byte)
yDashesVectorHi The high byte of the yDashesVector temporary variable
yDashesVectorLo The low byte of the yDashesVector temporary variable
yFlapsLiftHi Linear force in the y-axis due to lift from the flaps (high byte)
yFlapsLiftLo Linear force in the y-axis due to lift from the flaps (low byte)
yFlapsLiftScHi Scaled linear force in the y-axis due to lift from the flaps (high byte)
yFlapsLiftScLo Scaled linear force in the y-axis due to lift from the flaps (low byte)
yFlapsLiftScTop Scaled linear force in the y-axis due to lift from the flaps (top byte)
yGravityHi High byte of point 253 (y-coordinate)
yGravityLo Low byte of point 253 (y-coordinate)
yLandingGear The vertical distance between the cockpit and the lowest part of the plane
yLiftDragHi Linear force due to side forces in the y-axis (high byte)
yLiftDragLo Linear force due to side forces in the y-axis (low byte)
yLiftDragScHi Scaled linear force due to side forces in the y-axis (high byte)
yLiftDragScLo Scaled linear force due to side forces in the y-axis (low byte)
yLiftDragScTop Scaled linear force due to side forces in the y-axis (top byte)
yLinearHi High byte of point 252 (y-coordinate)
yLinearLo Low byte of point 252 (y-coordinate)
yMomentsHi Angular force due to airflow over the plane in the y-axis (high byte)
yMomentsLo Angular force due to airflow over the plane in the y-axis (low byte)
yMomentsScHi Scaled angular force due to forces on the plane in the y-axis (high byte)
yMomentsScLo Scaled angular force due to forces on the plane in the y-axis (low byte)
yMomentsScTop Scaled angular force due to forces on the plane in the y-axis (top byte)
yPlaneBot The bottom byte of the plane's coordinate (y-axis)
yPlaneHi Plane altitude/y-coordinate (high byte)
yPlaneLo Plane altitude/y-coordinate (low byte)
yPlaneTop The top byte of the plane's location, which is the byte above the high byte in yPlaneHi
yPointHi The high byte of the y-coordinate for the point with ID X is at yPointHi,X
yPointLo The low byte of the y-coordinate for the point with ID X is at yPointLo,X
yRotationHi Plane rotation angle around the y-axis (high byte)
yRotationLo Plane rotation angle around the y-axis (low byte)
yTemp1Hi The high byte of the yTemp1 temporary variable
yTemp1Lo The low byte of the yTemp1 temporary variable
yTemp2Hi The high byte of the yTemp2 temporary variable
yTemp2Lo The low byte of the yTemp2 temporary variable
yTemp2Top The top byte of the yTemp2 temporary variable
yTemp3Hi The high byte of the yTemp3 temporary variable
yTemp3Lo The low byte of the yTemp3 temporary variable
yTempPoint1Hi High byte of point 254 (y-coordinate)
yTempPoint1Lo Low byte of point 254 (y-coordinate)
yTempPoint2Hi High byte of point 255 (y-coordinate)
yTempPoint2Lo Low byte of point 255 (z-coordinate)
yTurnHi Turn rate around the y-axis (high byte)
yTurnLo Turn rate around the y-axis (low byte)
yTurnTop Turn rate around the y-axis (top byte)
yVelocityHi Plane velocity in the y-axis from the perspective of the outside world (high byte)
yVelocityLo Plane velocity in the y-axis from the perspective of the outside world (low byte)
yVelocityPHi Plane velocity along the y-axis from the perspective of the pilot (high byte)
yVelocityPLo Plane velocity along the y-axis from the perspective of the pilot (low byte)
yVelocityTop Plane velocity in the y-axis from the perspective of the outside world (top byte)
zControlsHi Angular force due to the plane's controls in the z-axis (high byte)
zControlsLo Angular force due to the plane's controls in the z-axis (low byte)
zControlsScHi Scaled angular force due to the plane's controls in the z-axis (high byte)
zControlsScLo Scaled angular force due to the plane's controls in the z-axis (low byte)
zControlsScTop Scaled angular force due to the plane's controls in the z-axis (top byte)
zDashesVectorHi The high byte of the yDashesVector temporary variable
zDashesVectorLo The low byte of the yDashesVector temporary variable
zGravityLo Low byte of point 253 (z-coordinate)
zLiftDragHi Linear force due to drag in the z-axis (high byte)
zLiftDragLo Linear force due to drag in the z-axis (low byte)
zLiftDragScHi Scaled linear force due to drag in the z-axis (high byte)
zLiftDragScLo Scaled linear force due to drag in the z-axis (low byte)
zLiftDragScTop Scaled linear force due to drag in the z-axis (top byte)
zLinearLo Low byte of point 252 (z-coordinate)
zMomentsHi Angular force due to airflow over the plane in the z-axis (high byte)
zMomentsLo Angular force due to airflow over the plane in the z-axis (low byte)
zMomentsScHi Scaled angular force due to forces on the plane in the z-axis (high byte)
zMomentsScLo Scaled angular force due to forces on the plane in the z-axis (low byte)
zMomentsScTop Scaled angular force due to forces on the plane in the z-axis (top byte)
zPlaneBot The bottom byte of the plane's coordinate (z-axis)
zPlaneHi Plane latitude/z-coordinate (high byte)
zPlaneLo Plane latitude/z-coordinate (low byte)
zPlaneTop The top byte of the plane's location, which is the byte above the high byte in zPlaneHi
zPointLo The low byte of the z-coordinate for the point with ID X is at zPointLo,X
zRotationHi Plane rotation angle around the z-axis (high byte)
zRotationLo Plane rotation angle around the z-axis (low byte)
zSlipMomentHi Angular force in the z-axis due to aircraft slip (high byte)
zSlipMomentLo Angular force in the z-axis due to aircraft slip (low byte)
zSlipMomentScHi Scaled angular force in the z-axis due to aircraft slip (high byte)
zSlipMomentScLo Scaled angular force in the z-axis due to aircraft slip (low byte)
zSlipMomentScTop Scaled angular force in the z-axis due to aircraft slip (top byte)
zTemp1Hi The high byte of the zTemp1 temporary variable
zTemp1Lo The low byte of the zTemp1 temporary variable
zTemp2Hi The high byte of the zTemp2 temporary variable
zTemp2Lo The low byte of the zTemp2 temporary variable
zTemp2Top The top byte of the zTemp2 temporary variable
zTemp3Hi The high byte of the zTemp3 temporary variable
zTemp3Lo The low byte of the zTemp3 temporary variable
zTempPoint1Lo Low byte of point 254 (z-coordinate)
zTempPoint2Lo Low byte of point 255 (z-coordinate)
zTurnHi Turn rate around the z-axis (high byte)
zTurnLo Turn rate around the z-axis (low byte)
zTurnTop Turn rate around the z-axis (top byte)
zVelocityHi Plane velocity in the z-axis from the perspective of the outside world (high byte)
zVelocityLo Plane velocity in the z-axis from the perspective of the outside world (low byte)
zVelocityPHi Plane velocity along the z-axis from the perspective of the pilot (high byte)
zVelocityPLo Plane velocity along the a-axis from the perspective of the pilot (low byte)
zVelocityTop Plane velocity in the z-axis from the perspective of the outside world (top byte)