.main17 JSR UpdateFuelGauge \ Update the fuel gauge LDX #&DC \ Scan the keyboard to see if "T" is being pressed JSR ScanKeyboard BNE main18 \ If "T" is not being pressed, jump to main18 LDA pressingT \ If pressingT is non-zero, then we are still pressing BNE main19 \ "T" having already toggled the engine, so jump down \ to main19 so we don't keep switching the engine on and \ off by accident LDA propellorStatus \ If propellorStatus is non-zero, then the propellor is BNE main20 \ broken and we can't turn on the engine, so jump to \ main20 to skip the following \ At this point, we know that "T" is being pressed, \ pressingT is zero (so we haven't yet acted on the key \ press), and propellorStatus is zero (so the propellor \ is working), so now we toggle the engine status to \ switch it on or off LDA engineStatus \ Fetch the value of engineStatus and invert bit 0 so it EOR #1 \ changes to the opposite state JSR SetEngine \ Set the engine status to the value in A LDA #1 \ Set A = 1 to use as the new value of pressingT below, BNE main19 \ so that holding down "T" won't keep toggling the \ engine status .main18 LDA #0 \ "T" is not being pressed, so set A = 0 to use as the \ new value of pressingT .main19 STA pressingT \ Set pressingT = A, so we don't try toggling the engine \ again until we release the "T" keyName: MainLoop (Part 11 of 15) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Main loop Summary: Process engine start and stop Deep dive: Program flow of the main game loopContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
Subroutine ScanKeyboard (category: Keyboard)
Scan the keyboard for a specific key
Subroutine SetEngine (category: Flight model)
Set the engine status
Subroutine UpdateFuelGauge (category: Dashboard)
Update the fuel gauge every 16 iterations of the main loop
Variable engineStatus in workspace Main variable workspace
Engine status
Label main18 is local to this routine
Label main19 is local to this routine
Label main20 in subroutine MainLoop (Part 12 of 15)
Variable pressingT in workspace Main variable workspace
Set to 0 in the main loop if "T" is not being pressed, otherwise set to 1, to prevent holding down "T" from constantly switching the engine on and off
Variable propellorStatus in workspace Main variable workspace
Propellor status