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The Theme: AlienInAcornsville

Name: AlienInAcornsville [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: The Theme Summary: Move an alien towards Acornsville and check whether it has reached it yet (and if so, end the game) Deep dive: Aliens attack Acornsville!
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * MainLoop (Part 4 of 15) calls AlienInAcornsville
.AlienInAcornsville LDY alienToMove \ Set Y to the number of the alien whose turn it is to \ move towards Acornsville in this iteration of the main \ loop, which we set in UpdateAliens BMI acrn1 \ If Y is negative, then there is no alien to move, so \ jump to acrn1 to return from the subroutine LDA alienState,Y \ If the alien's state is 27, then it is heading for the CMP #27 \ town, so jump to acrn7 if this is not the case BNE acrn7 \ The alien is heading towards the town. This happens \ in three stages: first, the alien takes off; then it \ flies towards the town; and finally it descends. When \ the alien's state is 27, it is working through the \ first two stages, so that's what we do now LDA yObjectHi+33 \ If the high byte of the alien's y-coordinate >= 12, CMP #12 \ then the alien is already flying high, so jump to BCS acrn2 \ acrn2 to move it closer to Acornsville LDA yObjectLo+33 \ Otherwise add 10 to the alien's yObject coordinate, ADC #10 \ so that it rises into the air, starting with the low STA yObjectLo+33 \ bytes BCC acrn1 \ If the addition of the low bytes overflowed, increment INC yObjectHi+33 \ the high byte .acrn1 RTS \ Return from the subroutine .acrn2 \ If we get here then the alien's yObjectHi coordinate \ is 12 or more, so it's already flying high LDX #0 \ Set X = 0, to use in the following to check either the \ x-coordinate (X = 0) or the z-coordinate (X = 80) STX T \ Set T = 0, which we use to record whether we move the \ alien along the x-axis or z-axis (or both) .acrn3 \ We either do the following with X = 0 or X = 80, which \ either checks the x-coordinate or the z-coordinate \ (as zObjectHi - xObjectHi is 80) \ \ The comments are for when X = 0, which checks the \ x-coordinate LDA xObjectHi+33,X \ If the high byte of the alien's x-coordinate is zero, BEQ acrn5 \ then we have already reached the right longitude for \ Acornsville, so jump to acrn5 LDA xObjectLo+33,X \ Subtract alienSpeed from the alien's x-coordinate, SEC \ starting with the low bytes, so the alien moves SBC alienSpeed \ towards Acornsville along the x-axis at the correct STA xObjectLo+33,X \ speed (which increases with later waves) BCS acrn4 \ If the subtraction of the low bytes underflowed, DEC xObjectHi+33,X \ decrement the high byte .acrn4 LDA #1 \ Set T = 1, to record the fact that we moved the alien STA T .acrn5 CPX #80 \ If X = 80 then we have checked both axes, so jump to BEQ acrn6 \ acrn6 to check the alien's altitude LDX #80 \ Otherwise jump back to acrn3 with X = 80 to check the BNE acrn3 \ alien's latitude in its z-coordinate (this BNE is \ effectively a JMP as X is never zero) .acrn6 LDA T \ If T <> 0 then we moved the alien along at least one BNE acrn1 \ of the axes, so jump to acrn1 to return from the \ subroutine as the alien is still in the process of \ flying to Acornsville LDA #28 \ Set the alien's state to 28, so the next time we call STA alienState,Y \ this routine, we jump straight to the following .acrn7 CMP #28 \ If the alien's state is not 28, then it isn't BNE acrn1 \ attacking the town, so jump to acrn1 to return from \ the subroutine \ The alien is heading towards the town. This happens \ in three stages: first, the alien takes off; then it \ flies towards the town; and finally it descends. When \ the alien's state is 28, it is on the final stage, so \ that's what we do now LDA hitTimer \ If hitTimer is non-zero, jump to acrn1 to return from BNE acrn1 \ the subroutine, so the alien doesn't move if we \ recently hit one of its comrades LDA yObjectLo+33 \ Subtract 10 from the alien's yObject coordinate, so SEC \ that it descends towards the town, starting with the SBC #10 \ low bytes STA yObjectLo+33 BCS acrn8 \ If the subtraction of the low bytes underflowed, DEC yObjectHi+33 \ decrement the high byte .acrn8 LDA yObjectHi+33 \ If the high byte of the alien's y-coordinate is zero, BNE acrn1 \ then it is still too high to attack, so jump to acrn1 \ to return from the subroutine LDA yObjectLo+33 \ If the low byte of the alien's y-coordinate is 10 or CMP #10 \ more, then it is still too high to attack, so jump to BCS acrn1 \ acrn1 to return from the subroutine JSR PrintTooLate \ Otherwise the alien is close enough to the town to \ wreak havoc... which means it's game over, so print \ the "TOO LATE!" message in the middle of the screen LDA #90 \ Delay for 90^3 loop iterations JSR Delay JSR TerminateGame \ Terminate the game TSX \ Remove the two bytes from the top of the stack that INX \ were put there by the JSR that called this routine, so INX \ we can jump to NewGame without leaving any trace on TXS \ the stack JMP NewGame \ Jump to NewGame to start a new game