LDA colourCycle \ If bit 7 of colourCycle is set, i.e. %11110000, jump BMI draw23 \ down to draw23 to add a line to buffer 1 LDX lineBuffer2Count \ If lineBuffer2Count <> 95, line buffer 2 is not full, CPX #95 \ so jump down to draw22 to add a new line to the buffer BNE draw22 RTS \ Return from the subroutine .draw22 INX \ Increment the value in lineBuffer2Count as we are STX lineBuffer2Count \ about to add a new line to line buffer 2 JMP draw25 \ Jump down to draw25 to buffer the line and draw it .draw23 LDX lineBuffer1Count \ If lineBuffer1Count <> 47, line buffer 1 is not full, CPX #47 \ so jump down to draw24 to add a new line to the buffer BNE draw24 RTS \ Return from the subroutine .draw24 INX \ Increment the value in lineBuffer1Count as we are STX lineBuffer1Count \ about to add a new line to line buffer 1 .draw25 LDA R \ Save the start x-coordinate in lineBufferR STA lineBufferR,X LDA W \ Save the max/min x-coordinate in lineBufferW STA lineBufferW,X LDA S \ Save the start y-coordinate in lineBufferS STA lineBufferS,X LDA G \ Save the max/min y-coordinate in lineBufferG STA lineBufferG,X LDA T \ Save the |x-delta| in lineBufferT STA lineBufferT,X LDA U \ Save the |y-delta| in lineBufferU STA lineBufferU,X LDA V \ Save the direction in lineBufferV STA lineBufferV,X \ Fall through into DrawCanopyLine to draw the lineName: DrawClippedLine (Part 6 of 6) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing lines Summary: Add the clipped line to the line buffer and draw itContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
Variable colourCycle in workspace Main variable workspace
Determines which of the two canopy screens we are showing, so we can use colour cycling for smooth animation
Label draw22 is local to this routine
Label draw23 is local to this routine
Label draw24 is local to this routine
Label draw25 is local to this routine
Variable lineBuffer1Count in workspace Main variable workspace
Offset of the last line stored in buffer 1
Variable lineBuffer2Count in workspace Main variable workspace
Offset of the last line stored in buffer 2
Variable lineBufferG (category: Drawing lines)
Line buffer storage for the max/min y-coordinate (G)
Variable lineBufferR (category: Drawing lines)
Line buffer storage for the start x-coordinate (R)
Variable lineBufferS (category: Drawing lines)
Line buffer storage for the start y-coordinate (S)
Variable lineBufferT (category: Drawing lines)
Line buffer storage for the line's |x-delta| (T)
Variable lineBufferU in workspace Stack variables
Line buffer storage for the line's |y-delta| (U)
Variable lineBufferV (category: Drawing lines)
Line buffer storage for the line direction (V)
Variable lineBufferW (category: Drawing lines)
Line buffer storage for the max/min x-coordinate (W)