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On this page you can find information on copyright, as well as the people whose work has made this project possible.

Copyright notices

The following copyright notices apply to the contents of this site and the accompanying repositories.

  • Aviator was written by Geoffrey J Crammond and is copyright © Acornsoft 1983.
  • The commentary is copyright © Mark Moxon. Any misunderstandings or mistakes in the documentation are entirely my fault.

The code on this site has been reconstructed from a disassembly of the original game binaries in the BBC Micro Games Archive.

A big thank you to the following

Huge thanks are due to the following, without whom this project would simply not exist:

  • Geoff Crammond, not only for writing Aviator, but for being such a legend of the BBC Micro scene and beyond
  • Kieran Connell for his BeebAsm version of Elite, which inspired me to start my journey into 8-bit disassembly, and provided the building blocks for the build process I use in my repositories

You can find out more in the about this project page.

A note on licences, copyright etc.

This site and the accompanying repositories are not provided with a licence, and there is intentionally no LICENSE file provided in the repositories.

According to GitHub's licensing documentation, this means that "the default copyright laws apply, meaning that you retain all rights to your source code and no one may reproduce, distribute, or create derivative works from your work".

The reason for this is that my commentary is intertwined with the original Aviator game code, and the original game code is copyright. The whole site is therefore covered by default copyright law, to ensure that this copyright is respected.

Under GitHub's rules, you have the right to read and fork the repositories... but that's it. No other use is permitted, I'm afraid.

My hope is that the educational and non-profit intentions of this repository will enable it to stay hosted and available, but the original copyright holders do have the right to ask for it to be taken down, in which case I will comply without hesitation. I do hope, though, that along with the various other disassemblies and commentaries of Acornsoft's games for the BBC Micro, it will remain viable.