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Drawing lines: DrawClippedLine (Part 1 of 6)

Name: DrawClippedLine (Part 1 of 6) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing lines Summary: Clip a line to fit on-screen, starting with the line deltas Deep dive: Line buffers
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * DrawCanopyView calls DrawClippedLine * DrawHalfHorizon calls via DrawClippedHorizon

Arguments: L The point ID for the line's start point M The point ID for the line's end point
Other entry points: DrawClippedHorizon Set bit 1 of the line direction in V (for the horizon)
.DrawClippedHorizon LDA #%00000010 \ For the horizon, set bit 1 of A to use as the starting BNE draw1 \ value for the line direction in V (so bit 1 of V gets \ set) .DrawClippedLine LDA #0 \ Set A = 0 to use as the starting value for the line \ direction in V .draw1 STA V \ Set V = A to set the starting value for the line \ direction in V (we will set bits 6 and 7 later) LDA #0 \ Set TT = 0, which we will use to store information STA TT \ about whether the line's start point fits on screen STA UU \ Set UU = 0, which we will use to store information \ about whether the line's end point fits on screen \ The first step is to calculate the line's |x-delta| \ and |y-delta| values, updating the line direction \ information in V as we do so LDX L \ Set X to the point ID for the line's start point LDY M \ Set Y to the point ID for the line's end point LDA xPointLo,X \ Set (RR R) = the X-th entry from (xPointHi xPointLo) STA R \ LDA xPointHi,X \ i.e. the x-coordinate of the line's start point STA RR LDA yPointLo,X \ Set (SS S) = the X-th entry from (yPointHi yPointLo) STA S \ LDA yPointHi,X \ i.e. the y-coordinate of the line's start point STA SS LDA xPointLo,Y \ Set (QQ W) = the Y-th entry from (xPointHi xPointLo) STA W \ \ starting with the low byte in W SEC \ Set T = W - R SBC R \ STA T \ which is the low byte of the calculation: \ \ (I T) = (QQ W) - (RR R) LDA xPointHi,Y \ Set (QQ W) = the Y-th entry from (xPointHi xPointLo) STA QQ \ \ i.e. the x-coordinate of the line's end point SBC RR \ Set I = QQ - RR STA I \ \ so we now have: \ \ (I T) = (QQ W) - (RR R) \ = x-coordinate of the line's end point \ - x-coordinate of the line's start point \ \ so (I T) is the line's x-delta BPL draw2 \ If the high byte in I is positive, then so is (I T), \ so jump to draw2 to skip the following, as the x-delta \ is positive \ Otherwise the x-delta is negative, so we need to set \ the x-direction in V and negate x-delta so it is \ positive (as we want to calculate |x-delta|) LDA #%10000000 \ Set bit 7 of V to indicate a negative x-delta in the ORA V \ line direction in V STA V LDA #0 \ Negate (I T), starting with the low bytes SEC SBC T STA T LDA #0 \ And then negating the high bytes SBC I \ STA I \ so now (I T) is positive, and contains |x-delta| .draw2 LDA yPointLo,Y \ Set (H G) = the Y-th entry from (yPointHi yPointLo) STA G \ \ starting with the low byte in G SEC \ Set U = G - S SBC S \ STA U \ which is the low byte of the calculation: \ \ (J U) = (H G) - (SS S) LDA yPointHi,Y \ Set (H G) = the Y-th entry from (yPointHi yPointLo) STA H \ \ i.e. the y-coordinate of the line's end point SBC SS \ Set J = H - SS STA J \ \ so we now have: \ \ (J U) = (H G) - (SS S) \ = y-coordinate of the line's end point \ - y-coordinate of the line's start point \ \ so (J U) is the line's y-delta BPL draw3 \ If the high byte in J is positive, then so is (J U), \ so jump to draw3 to skip the following, as the y-delta \ is positive \ Otherwise the y-delta is negative, so we need to set \ the y-direction in V and negate y-delta so it is \ positive (as we want to calculate |y-delta|) LDA #%01000000 \ Set bit 6 of V to indicate a negative y-delta in the ORA V \ line direction in V STA V LDA #0 \ Negate (J U), starting with the low bytes SEC SBC U STA U LDA #0 \ And then negating the high bytes SBC J \ STA J \ so now (J U) is positive, and contains |y-delta|