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The Theme: FireGuns

Name: FireGuns [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: The Theme Summary: Create the bullet objects and send them on their way Deep dive: Adding bullets to the world
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * UpdateFlightModel (Part 3 of 4) calls FireGuns

Other entry points: FireGuns-1 Contains an RTS
.FireGuns LDA firingStatus \ If either firingStatus or hitTimer are non-zero, then ORA hitTimer \ there are either bullets still in the air, or we only BNE FireGuns-1 \ just hit an alien. In either case we can't fire the \ guns, so return from the subroutine (as FireGuns-1 \ contains an RTS) LDX #228 \ Set point 228 to (0, 0, zVelocityPHi + 200) JSR SetPointToOrigin \ \ starting with the zeroes LDA zVelocityPHi \ And then setting the low byte of the z-coordinate CLC ADC #200 STA zPointLo+228 LDA #&FF \ Set the point with ID 95 to (&FFF6, &FFFC, &FF14) LDX #95 \ = (-10, -4, -236) JSR SetPoint \ \ which is the vector from the plane back to object 12 \ at the trailing end of the left bullet's trail \ \ We start with the high bytes LDA #&14 \ And then set the low bytes STA zPointLo+95 LDA #&F6 STA xPointLo+95 LDA #&FC STA yPointLo+95 LDA #228 \ Set GG to point ID 228, to pass to the call to STA GG \ SetPointCoords LDA #9 \ Set the matrix number so the call to SetPointCoords STA matrixNumber \ uses matrix 2 in the calculation, so it rotates the \ point from the plane's frame of reference to the \ outside world's frame of reference (so we spawn the \ bullets using coordinates that are relative to the \ plane, but calculate them in the following as \ world-relative coordinates, so they are then \ independent of the plane's future movement) STA firingStatus \ Set firingStatus = 9, which is a non-zero value, to \ indicate that there are bullets are in the air (the \ value 9 isn't significant beyond the fact that it is \ non-zero) JSR SetPointCoords \ Calculate the coordinates for point 228, which also \ returns the coordinates in (xTemp1, yTemp1, zTemp1) LDX #229 \ We now copy the coordinates from (xTemp1, yTemp1, \ zTemp1) to points 229, 230 and 231, so we set a \ counter in X for the point IDs .fire1 JSR CopyTempToPoint \ Copy from (xTemp1, yTemp1, zTemp1) into the \ coordinates for point X INX \ Increment the point ID CPX #232 \ Loop back until we have copied (xTemp1, yTemp1, BNE fire1 \ zTemp1) into points 229, 230 and 231 LDA #95 \ Set GG to point ID 95, to pass to the call to STA GG \ SetPointCoords JSR SetPointCoords \ Calculate the coordinates for point 95 LDX #LO(xPlaneLo) \ Set X so the call to CopyWorkToPoint copies the \ coordinates from (xPlane, yPlane, zPlane) LDY #96 \ Set Y so the call to CopyPointToWork copies the \ coordinates to point 96 JSR CopyWorkToPoint \ Copy the coordinates from (xPlane, yPlane, zPlane) \ to point 96 LDY #12 \ We now set the object coordinates for objects 12 to 15 \ to the coordinates in point 96, so set Y as the object \ ID, starting with 12 LDX #96 \ And set X as the point ID to add in the call to \ AddPointToObject .fire2 JSR SetObjectToOrigin \ Set the object coordinates for object Y to (0, 0, 0) JSR AddPointToObject \ Add the vector in point 96 to the object coordinates, \ so this sets the location of the object to that of \ point 96, i.e. the coordinates of the plane INY \ Increment the object ID CPY #16 \ Loop back until we have set objects 12 to 15 to the BNE fire2 \ coordinates in point 96, so they are all now at the \ plane's coordinates LDY #12 \ Add the vector in point 95 to the object coordinates LDX #95 \ for object 12 JSR AddPointToObject STX objectAnchorPoint \ Store the vector in point 95 as the object anchor \ point, so the following calculations use this as the \ anchor point \ \ This means that the following coordinate calculations \ will return the vector from the plane's location to \ each point, as we are telling SetObjPointCoords to \ take the anchor point vector (from the plane to point \ 95) and add on the vector of the object point (which \ is the interior vector of the point within the object) LDA #96 \ Calculate the coordinates for object point 96 with STA GG \ anchor point 95 JSR SetObjPointCoords LDA #97 \ Calculate the coordinates for object point 97 with STA GG \ anchor point 95, which also sets (xTemp1 yTemp1 JSR SetObjPointCoords \ zTemp1) to the rotated vector from the anchor point \ (point 95) to point 97 LDX #98 \ Set point 98's coordinates to point 96's coordinates + LDY #96 \ (xTemp1 yTemp1 zTemp1), the latter containing the JSR AddTempToPoint \ vector from point 95 to point 97 \ Finally, we add the following vectors to the object \ points for objects 13 to 15: \ \ * Move object 13 by the vector in point 96 \ \ * Move object 14 by the vector in point 97 \ \ * Move object 15 by the vector in point 98 LDY #15 \ Set Y as the object ID that gets moved in the call to \ AddPointToObject LDX #98 \ Set X as the point ID to add to the object coordinates \ in the call to AddPointToObject .fire3 JSR AddPointToObject \ Add the vector in point X to the object coordinates \ for point Y DEX \ Decrement the point ID DEY \ Decrement the object ID CPY #12 \ Loop back until we have added points 96 to 98 to BNE fire3 \ objects 13 to 15 RTS \ Return from the subroutine