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Dashboard: UpdateRadarBlip

Name: UpdateRadarBlip [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Dashboard Summary: Update a blip on the radar (runway or alien)
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * MainLoop (Part 5 of 15) calls UpdateRadarBlip

This routine calculates the screen coordinates for a blip on the radar, which it then passes to DrawRadarBlip to update the blip.
Arguments: Y The item to update on the radar: * 1 = update the runway * 33 = update the alien
.UpdateRadarBlip LDX #0 \ Set X = 0 act as an offset in the loop below, so we \ iterate through the x, y and z axes STX alien \ Set alien = 0, to indicate that we should draw the \ runway for when we fall through into DrawRadarBlip \ below CPY #33 \ If Y = 33, skip the following two instructions BNE blip1 LDA #1 \ Y = 33, which is the alien, so set alien = 1, to STA alien \ indicate that we should draw the alien for when we \ fall through into DrawRadarBlip below \ We now loop through the x-, y- and z-axes to do the \ following, where the object is either the runway or \ the alien: \ \ xTemp2 = xObject - xPlane \ yTemp2 = yObject - yPlane \ zTemp2 = zObject - zPlane \ \ so (xTemp2 yTemp2 zTemp2) contains the vector from the \ plane to the object, which is the same as the vector \ from the centre of the radar to the blip \ \ Note that we only bother with the top and high bytes \ of the calculation (where top, high and low are the \ bytes in a 24-bit number), as the radar isn't accurate \ enough to show the low byte, so we can just ignore it \ \ As the object coordinates don't have a top byte, we \ use 0 rather than the non-existent xObjectTop \ \ The loop comments are for the xTemp2 iteration .blip1 LDA xObjectHi,Y \ Set (xTemp2Hi xTemp2Lo) to the following: SEC \ SBC xPlaneHi,X \ (0 xObjectHi) - (xPlaneTop xPlaneHi) STA xTemp2Lo,X \ \ starting with the top bytes LDA #0 \ and then the high bytes (we don't bother with the low SBC xPlaneTop,X \ bytes) STA xTemp2Hi,X TYA \ Point Y to the next axis (xObject, yObject, zObject) CLC ADC #nextAxis TAY INX \ Increment X to move on to the next axis CPX #3 \ Loop back until we have done all 3 axes BNE blip1 \ We now want to calculate the coordinates for this \ vector when rotated correctly, so we first set up \ the coordinates, and then rotate them LDX #LO(xTemp2Lo) \ Set X so the call to CopyWorkToPoint copies the \ coordinates from (xTemp2, yTemp2, zTemp2) LDY #0 \ Set Y so the call to CopyWorkToPoint copies the \ coordinates to point 0 STY GG \ Set GG = 0 JSR CopyWorkToPoint \ Copy the coordinates from (xTemp2, yTemp2, zTemp2) \ to point 0 LDA #0 \ Set the matrix number so the call to SetPointCoords STA matrixNumber \ uses matrix 1 in the calculation, which will rotate \ the point by the plane's pitch, roll and yaw angles, \ transforming it from the outside world's frame of \ reference to the plane's frame of reference JSR SetPointCoords \ Calculate the coordinates for point 0 \ We now take the rotated x- and z-coordinates and \ scale them down so they work as screen coordinates \ within the range of the radar display (we can ignore \ the y-coordinate, as the radar is a top-down display \ that ignores altitude) \ \ Specifically, we do this by dividing the z-coordinate \ by 8, and the x-coordinate by 16, and then using the \ low bytes of the result as the radar coordinates \ (along the sign bit from the high byte of the result) \ \ For the z-coordinate, his reduces the value from the \ range -256 to +256 down to -32 to +32, which maps onto \ the four character rows above and below the centre of \ the radar (each of which contains eight pixels, so the \ vertical range of the radar is -32 to +32 pixels, as \ 8 * 4 = 32) \ \ For the x-coordinate, we halve it again as mode 5 \ pixels are twice as wide as they are high LDA xPointHi \ Set R = xPointHi so we can shift xPoint below without STA R \ affecting the value of xPointHi LDA zPointHi \ Set S = zPointHi so we can shift zPoint below without STA S \ affecting the value of zPointHi LDX #3 \ We now want to shift the point values right by 3 \ places, so set a shift counter in X .blip2 LSR R \ Set (R xPointLo) = (R xPointLo) >> 1 ROR xPointLo \ = xPoint / 2 LSR S \ Set (S zPointLo) = (S zPointLo) >> 1 ROR zPointLo \ = zPoint / 2 DEX \ Decrement the shift counter BPL blip2 \ Loop back until we have shifted right three times \ Because mode 5 pixels are twice as wide as they are \ high, we need to halve the x-coordinate one more time \ to get the correct result for the pixel x-coordinate LSR R \ Set (R A) = (R xPointLo) >> 1 LDA xPointLo ROR A ADC #0 \ Add bit 0 of the original value to round up the STA xPointLo \ division and store the result in xPointLo \ We now fall through into DrawRadarBlip to erase and \ redraw the blip on the radar at the coordinates in \ (xPointLo, zPointLo)