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Flight model: forceFactor

Name: forceFactor [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Flight model Summary: The factors by which the flight forces are multiplied as part of the scaling process Deep dive: The flight model Stalling and recovery
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: This variable is used as follows: * ApplyAerodynamics (Part 2 of 3) uses forceFactor * IndicatorF uses forceFactor * IndicatorU uses forceFactor * ResetVariables uses forceFactor * ScaleFlightForces uses forceFactor * SetEngine uses forceFactor
.forceFactor EQUB 212 \ xMoments is scaled by 212 * 1 EQUB 201 \ yMoments is scaled by 201 / 4 EQUB 204 \ zMoments is scaled by 204 / 2 EQUB 176 \ xLiftDrag is scaled by 176 * 2 EQUB 156 \ yLiftDrag is scaled as follows: \ \ * Scaled by 156 * 16 in normal flight \ \ * Scaled by 39 * 16 when the plane is stalling EQUB 22 \ zLiftDrag is scaled as follows: \ \ * Default scaling is by 52 \ (undercarriage down, flaps off, engine off) \ \ * Goes up by 10 if undercarriage is down \ * Goes down by 10 if undercarriage is up \ \ * Goes up by 200 if flaps are on \ * Goes down by 200 if flaps are off \ \ * Goes up by 20 if engine is on \ * Goes down by 20 if engine is switched off \ \ This value is set to 242 in ResetVariables, which is \ quickly adjusted by +10 for the undercarriage being \ down and -200 for the flaps being off, giving a \ starting value of 52 when we are sitting on the runway EQUB 40 \ zSlipMoment is scaled by 40 / 32 EQUB 152 \ yFlapsLift is scaled as follows: \ \ * Scaled to 0 if flaps are off \ \ * Scaled by 152 * 4 if flaps are on \ \ This value is zeroed in ResetVariables EQUB 0 \ Unused EQUB 0 \ Unused EQUB 255 \ xControls is scaled by 255 / 2 EQUB 141 \ yControls is scaled by 141 / 4 EQUB 190 \ zControls is scaled by 190 / 4 EQUB &00, &05 \ These bytes appear to be unused EQUB &7D, &FF EQUB &50