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Drawing lines: ClipStartOfLine (Part 5 of 5)

Name: ClipStartOfLine (Part 5 of 5) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing lines Summary: Move the start point to the clipped position and return it
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file

If bit 7 of HH clear, (RR R) and (SS S) = (RR R) + (QQ G) If bit 7 of HH set, (RR R) and (SS S) = (RR R) - (QQ G) If bits 6 and 7 of WW clear, (SS S) = 159 - (RR R) If bit 6 of WW is set, bit 7 clear, (RR RR) = 159 - (SS S) S = S - 4 to undo the bump in the first part Confirm (R, S) is on-screen and return it as the new start point
.clip18 \ By the time we get here, (QQ G W) contains the delta \ that we need to apply to the start point's x- or \ y-coordinate, multiplied by 256 so the lowest byte is \ the fractional part \ If bit 7 of W is set, that means the fractional part \ is at least 0.5, so we add 1 to the integral part in \ (QQ G) to round it up when going from the fractional \ (QQ G W) to the integer (QQ G) LDA G \ We start with the low byte, rotating bit 7 of W into ROL W \ the C flag which we then add with ADC #0 ADC #0 STA G BCC clip19 \ If the addition didn't overflow, jump to clip19 to \ skip the following instruction INC QQ \ And then we increment the high byte if the addition \ overflowed .clip19 LDA HH \ If bit 7 of HH is set, jump to clip20 to skip the BMI clip20 \ following \ Bit 7 of HH is clear, so we add the delta in (QQ G) \ to both coordinates to move the whole line so the \ start coordinate is on the edge of the screen LDA R \ Set (RR R) and (S SS) = (RR R) + (QQ G) CLC \ ADC G \ starting with the low bytes STA R STA S LDA RR \ And then the high bytes ADC QQ STA RR STA SS JMP clip21 \ Jump to clip21 to skip the following .clip20 \ Bit 7 of HH is set, so we subtract the delta in (QQ G) \ from both coordinates to move the whole line so the \ start coordinate is on the edge of the screen LDA R \ Set (RR R) and (SS S) = (RR R) - (QQ G) SEC \ SBC G \ starting with the low bytes STA R STA S LDA RR \ And then the high bytes SBC QQ STA RR STA SS .clip21 BIT WW \ If bit 7 of WW is set, jump to clip23 to skip all of BMI clip23 \ the following and return the final coordinates BVS clip22 \ If bit 6 of WW is set, jump to clip22 to skip the \ following \ Bits 6 and 7 of WW are both clear, so we update the \ y-coordinate LDA #159 \ Set (SS S) = 159 - (RR R) SEC \ SBC R \ starting with the low bytes STA S LDA #0 \ And then the high bytes SBC RR STA SS JMP clip23 \ Jump to clip23 to skip the following .clip22 \ Bit 6 of WW is set, so we update the x-coordinate LDA #159 \ Set (RR RR) = 159 - (SS S) SEC \ SBC S \ starting with the low bytes STA R LDA #0 \ And then the high bytes SBC SS STA RR .clip23 LDA RR \ If RR is non-zero, jump to clip24 to abort the line as BNE clip24 \ the (RR R) x-coordinate is off-screen LDA R \ If R >= 156, jump to clip24 to abort the line as the CMP #156 \ (RR R) x-coordinate is off the right of the screen BCS clip24 CMP #4 \ If R < 4, jump to clip24 to abort the line as the BCC clip24 \ (RR R) x-coordinate is off the left of the screen LDA S \ Set S = S - 4 SEC \ SBC #4 \ which subtracts the 4 that we added at the start of STA S \ the routine BCC clip24 \ If the subtraction just underflowed, jump to clip24 to \ abort the line as the (SS S) y-coordinate is off the \ bottom of the screen CMP #152 \ If S > 152, jump to clip24 to abort the line as the BCS clip24 \ (SS S) y-coordinate is off the top of the screen \ If we get here then we have successfully clipped the \ start point to the edge of the screen LDA #1 \ Set bit 0 of the line direction in V to indicate that ORA V \ the line has been clipped STA V LDA R \ Copy the clipped (R, S) pixel coordinate into STA xTemp1Lo \ (xTemp1Lo, yTemp1Lo) so we can access it in the LDA S \ DrawCanopyLine routine STA yTemp1Lo RTS \ Return from the subroutine .clip24 JMP AbortLine \ Jump to AbortLine to abort drawing this line and \ return from the subroutine using a tail call