.DrawGunSights JSR DrawCanopyCorners \ Draw the canopy corners LDX #&DA \ Scan the keyboard to see if "I" is being pressed JSR ScanKeyboard BNE guns1 \ If "I" is not being pressed, jump to guns1 BIT gunSights \ If bit 6 of gunSights is set, then "I" is still being BVS guns3 \ held down from a previous call to this routine, so \ jump to guns3 to move on from the subroutine LDA #%11000000 \ Set A = gunSights with bits 6 and 7 flipped, which we EOR gunSights \ will set as the new value of gunSights below BMI guns2 \ If the result has bit 7 set, that means that bit 7 of \ gunSights is currently clear, so jump to guns2 as the \ sights are not already being shown, so we don't need \ to remove them \ If we get here then bit 7 of gunSights is set, so the \ sights are already on-screen, and we aren't still \ holding down "I" from a previous call, so now we \ remove the sights PHA \ Store A on the stack so we can retrieve it below LDY #HI(row6_char1_0) \ Set (Y X) to the screen address for row 6, character LDX #LO(row6_char1_0) \ block 1 LDA #3 \ Set R = 3, so we clear 3 character rows for the sights STA R LDA #0 \ Set X = 0 so we clear the sights to black JSR FillCanopyRows \ Fill the 3 screen rows with black, avoiding the canopy \ edges and removing the sights from the screen PLA \ Retrieve A from the stack JMP guns2 \ Jump down to guns2 to set gunSights to the value in A .guns1 \ If we get here then "I" is not being pressed LDA #%10000000 \ Extract bit 7 from gunSights into A, which clears bit AND gunSights \ 6 to indicate that "I" is not being pressed, while \ leaving the current state of bit 7 alone .guns2 STA gunSights \ Update gunSights to the new value in A .guns3 BPL ToggleJoystick \ If bit 7 of the new value of gunSights is clear, then \ the sights are no longer being shown, so jump down to \ ToggleJoystick to move on to the next routine \ If we get here, then bit 7 of gunSights is set, so we \ need to draw the sights LDY #7 \ First we draw the vertical bar in the middle of the \ sights, which runs through block 20 on rows 6 and 7, \ so we set a pixel row counter in Y to count through \ the rows in each character block .guns4 LDA #%10001000 \ Draw a vertical bar in the first pixel of the Y-th ORA row6_char20_0,Y \ pixel row in character block 20 on row 6, keeping STA row6_char20_0,Y \ whatever is already on screen LDA #%10001000 \ Draw a vertical bar in the first pixel of the Y-th ORA row7_char20_0,Y \ pixel row in character block 20 on row 7, keeping STA row7_char20_0,Y \ whatever is already on screen DEY \ Decrement the pixel row counter BPL guns4 \ Loop back to draw the next pixel row until we have \ drawn a vertical line through both character blocks \ Now to draw the horizontal bar of the gun sights LDA #%01110111 \ First we draw the left end of the horizontal bar, ORA row8_char11_0 \ which is starts with the three rightmost pixels in STA row8_char11_0 \ character block 11 on row 8 SEC \ Set the C flag for the subtraction below LDY #136 \ The rest of the line is made up of 17 character blocks \ with four pixels in each block, so we set a counter in \ Y to work as an offset from the left end of the line, \ counting 8 bytes per character block (17 * 8 = 136), \ working from the right end of the line to the left .guns5 LDA #%11111111 \ Draw a horizontal bar of four pixels starting at the STA row8_char11_0,Y \ Y-th offset from the start of character block 11 on \ row 8 TYA \ Set Y = Y - 8, so Y now points to the four pixels to SBC #8 \ the left, as we work or way along the line TAY BNE guns5 \ Loop back to draw the next four pixels of the line \ until we have drawn the whole horizontal line \ Fall through into ToggleJoystick to check for the \ joystick keyName: DrawGunSights [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Graphics Summary: Draw the canopy corners and the gun sights, if shownContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * DrawCanopyView calls DrawGunSights
Subroutine DrawCanopyCorners (category: Graphics)
Draw the diagonal corners at the top of the canopy
Subroutine FillCanopyRows (category: Graphics)
Fill multiple screen rows with a particular colour, avoiding the canopy edges
Subroutine ScanKeyboard (category: Keyboard)
Scan the keyboard for a specific key
Subroutine ToggleJoystick (category: Keyboard)
Toggle the joystick setting
Variable gunSights in workspace Main variable workspace
Gun sights status
Label guns1 is local to this routine
Label guns2 is local to this routine
Label guns3 is local to this routine
Label guns4 is local to this routine
Label guns5 is local to this routine
Configuration variable row6_char1_0 = &5F88
Top-left corner of the canopy-wide rectangle containing the gun sights on rows 6, 7 and 8
Configuration variable row6_char20_0 = &6020
Top block of the vertical line in the gun sights
Configuration variable row7_char20_0 = &6160
Bottom block of the vertical line in the gun sights
Configuration variable row8_char11_0 = &6258
Left end of horizontal bar in the gun sights