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Drawing lines: DrawVectorLine (Part 3 of 3)

Name: DrawVectorLine (Part 3 of 3) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing lines Summary: Plot a pixel at (I, J)
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
.dvec11 \ When we first arrive here: \ \ * QQ = 0, where we will tally up the fractional part \ of the move along the shortest axis \ * RR = pixel byte table \ * VV = longest side of delta triangle \ * PP = 0 (shallow horizontal) \ VV (steep vertical) \ \ so we now draw a line from (I, J), moving one pixel \ at a time along the longest side of the delta triangle LDA I \ Set X = I / 4 LSR A \ LSR A \ so X is the number of the character block containing TAX \ pixel (I, J), as each character block is 4 pixels wide LDA J \ Set Y = J / 8 LSR A \ LSR A \ so Y is the number of the character row containing LSR A \ pixel (I, J), as each character row is 8 pixels high TAY LDA yLookupLo,Y \ Set P = Y-th byte of yLookupLo CLC \ + X-th byte of xLookupLo ADC xLookupLo,X \ = LO(screen address) + LO(X * 8) STA P LDA yLookupHi,Y \ Set Q = Y-th byte of yLookupHi ADC xLookupHi,X \ + X-th byte of xLookupHi STA Q \ = HI(screen address) + HI(X * 8) \ So (Q P) is the screen address of the pixel row \ containing pixel (I, J), out by 8 bytes for each row \ above or below the top of the dashboard LDA #159 \ Set Y = 159 - J SEC \ SBC J \ so Y is the number of pixels that (I, J) is above TAY \ (+ve) or below (-ve) the top of the dashboard, where a \ value of 0 is the bottom pixel inside the canopy, and \ a value of -1 is the white horizontal edge at the \ bottom of the canopy LDA I \ Set X = bits 0 and 1 of I AND #%00000011 \ = I mod 4 TAX \ = pixel number within the 4-pixel byte BIT N \ If bit 7 of N is set, jump to dvec12 to erase the line BMI dvec12 \ with EOR logic instead of drawing it with OR logic LDA RR,X \ Fetch the X-th byte of RR, which is a pixel byte with \ the X-th pixel set to white ORA (P),Y \ OR it with (Q P) + Y, which is the screen address of \ the pixel row containing (I, J) \ \ This will keep all pixels the same except the X-th \ pixel, which is set to white, so this will plot a \ pixel at (I, J) when stored in screen memory JMP dvec13 \ Jump to dvec13 to skip the following three \ instructions .dvec12 LDA RR,X \ Fetch the X-th byte of RR, which is a pixel byte with \ the X-th pixel set to white EOR #%11111111 \ Invert all the bits, so A is now a pixel byte that is \ all white except for the X-th pixel, which is black AND (P),Y \ AND it with (Q P) + Y, which is the screen address of \ pixel (I, J) \ \ This will keep all pixels the same except the X-th \ pixel, which is set to black, so this will erase the \ pixel at (I, J) when stored in screen memory .dvec13 STA (P),Y \ Store the byte in A in screen memory at (Q P) + Y, \ which sets all four pixels to the pixel pattern in A, \ which either draws or erases the pixel at (I, J) DEC VV \ Decrement VV to step one pixel along the longer axis BNE dvec7 \ If VV is non-zero, jump up to dvec7 to calculate the \ coordinate of the next pixel in the line RTS \ Return from the subroutine