LDA scoreDisplayTimer \ If scoreDisplayTimer = 0, jump to main22 to skip the BEQ main22 \ following three instructions, as we are not currently \ displaying the score CMP #220 \ If scoreDisplayTimer <> 220, jump down to main23 to BNE main23 \ decrement the timer and keep displaying the score BEQ main24 \ If scoreDisplayTimer = 220, it's time to remove the \ score from the screen, so jump down to main24 .main22 LDX #&C8 \ Scan the keyboard to see if "P" is being pressed JSR ScanKeyboard BNE main25 \ If "P" is not being pressed, jump to main25 to \ continue with the main loop .main23 \ If we get here then either we just pressed "P" or the \ score is already being displayed, so in either case we \ should update the timer and display the score DEC scoreDisplayTimer \ Decrement the score timer JSR DisplayScore \ Display the score, so we show it for the first time if \ we just pressed "P", or update it if it changes while \ being displayed JMP main25 \ Jump down to main25 to continue with the main loop .main24 JSR RemoveScore \ Remove the score from the screen LDA #0 \ Set scoreDisplayTimer = 0 as we are no longer showing STA scoreDisplayTimer \ the score on-screenName: MainLoop (Part 14 of 15) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Main loop Summary: Handle the score display Deep dive: Program flow of the main game loopContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
Subroutine DisplayScore (category: Scoring)
Print the scores on-screen
Subroutine RemoveScore (category: Scoring)
Remove the score display from the screen
Subroutine ScanKeyboard (category: Keyboard)
Scan the keyboard for a specific key
Label main22 is local to this routine
Label main23 is local to this routine
Label main24 is local to this routine
Label main25 in subroutine MainLoop (Part 15 of 15)
Variable scoreDisplayTimer in workspace Main variable workspace
Counter for removing the score after displaying it for a fixed amount of time